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Turbocharging Data Management and Analytics with GenAI Assistants

Practices and Products You Need to Know​

March 21, 2024 
11:30 am - 2:00 pm  Eastern

GenAI assistants manipulate and interpret data in specialized, domain-specific ways.

This event will help data leaders create a short list of data & analytics products that use GenAI and review best practices for implementing them.


You will learn: 

  • Innovative approaches to implementing language model assistants 

  • Criteria to evaluate and select the right GenAI-embedded tools

  • Ways in which language models learn, process, and generate content

  • How GenAI integrates with enterprise environments

The Speakers

Additional Speakers Coming Soon!


Kevin Petrie Headshot (Jan. 2023) JPG.JPG

Kevin Petrie

VP of Research, Eckerson Group

For 25 years, Kevin has deciphered what technology means to practitioners - as an industry analyst, writer, instructor, marketer, and services leader. Kevin launched, built, and led a profitable data services team for EMC Pivotal in the Americas and EMEA, and ran field training at the data integration software provider Attunity (now part of Qlik).




March 21, 2024


All times are Eastern

11:30 AM



- By Kevin Petrie, VP of Research at Eckerson Group 

12:15 PM

Practitioner Q&A 


- By Kevin Petrie, VP of Research at Eckerson Group 

12:30 PM

Featured Presentation


- Speaker TBD 

12:45 PM

Featured Presentation


- Speaker TBD 


1:00 PM

Expert Panel 


- By Kevin Petrie, VP of Research at Eckerson Group 

- Additional Speakers TBD 

Subject to change*

1:30 PM

Key Takeaways and Wrap Up (30 minutes)

Image by Headway

The CDO TechVent

Emerging Technologies for Data Leaders

The CDO TechVent is a 2.5-hour virtual event that educates data and analytics leaders about emerging technologies and best practices for implementing them.

The Venue

Why Attend? 

  • Discover the latest trends shaping data and analytics.

  • Accelerate the evaluation of emerging technologies and products.

  • Learn from success stories to kickstart your innovation.

  • Leave with a short list of products tailored to your organization. 

Image by Andrei Stratu

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CDO TechVent

Emerging Technologies for Data Leaders

About CDO TechVent

The CDO TechVent is a 2.5-hour virtual event that educates data and analytics leaders about emerging technologies and learn best practices for implementing them.

About Eckerson Group

​CDO TechVent is produced by  Eckerson Group, a boutique research and consulting firm specializing in data and analytics that is located in Boston, Massachusetts

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